
Online learning
Elegant construction homepage
Marketing Agency
Social media solutions
SheeshMoon Website redesign
Your Move landing page
Amazon selling courses
Digital marketing agency!
Smart apartment redesign
Psychiatry concept
Human connection concept!

Über uns

I am a UX/UI designer with 6 years of experience. With a military background, I learned the importance of attention to detail and disciplined work ethic, and I have applied those principles to my design work. I am passionate about creating user-friendly interfaces that solve problems and make people's lives easier. I am proud of my ability to work through challenges and collaborate with others to deliver successful projects.

Land: Rumänien. Mitglied seit: 16. September 2011


"Andreimihai2709 was great to work with and helped me work through the process. I was extremely busy with other and he was patient while I found time to generate the information he needed to create the website. He has good taste and a talent for elegant ..."
Profilbildbrandooy vor 12 Tage bewertet
"Thanks for your super fast turnaround and quick communication. We will be in touch soon!"
Unbekannter Kunde vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Thank you for your super fast response and turnaround time. We appreciate all of your hard work!"
Unbekannter Kunde vor etwa 2 Monate bewertet
"great mailer design . top design . Thank you"
ProfilbildadamGD2013 vor 4 Monate bewertet
"Excellent work as always! "
Profilbildm.baumann0h vor 4 Monate bewertet