
Super Supplement Brand on Steroids
RainBowl Toilet Light packaging
Toilet light product packaging
Educated Guess
Big Boss Injectors
Glowing Mind Scratch card
skincare package design
prefume box design
BMW Wrap Design

Über uns

+10 years of experience in various design fields such as editorial design, product visualization, branding, packaging

Feel free to contact us for 1-to-1 projects:

• Product Packaging/label design + Product 3D rendering
• Amazon product images + EBC page
• Product 3D Concept + rendering/visualization
• Product 3D rendering/visualization
• On-demand PSD mockup

behance : https://www.behance.net/MoAbdou

Mitglied seit: 2. November 2014


"Top top packaging designer, with a playful style. Very friendly and communication is always smooth because he is very responsive. Will definitely work with him again."
ProfilbildMind-Glowing vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"I really appreciate your kind words, they truly brightened my day. Thank you ^^ "
ProfilbildMoo_Station vor etwa ein Monat reagiert
"We received exactly what we needed in a very timely manner. Thank you for the great service!"
ProfilbildCSharp06 vor etwa 2 Monate bewertet
"thank you Connor its a pleasure working with you and hope we can do more in the soon future😍"
ProfilbildMoo_Station vor etwa 2 Monate reagiert
"Great job as always!"
ProfilbildCSharp06 vor 3 Monate bewertet
"Thank you, it was a pleasure working with you again. I hope we can do more soon."
ProfilbildMoo_Station vor 3 Monate reagiert
"amazing job well done"
Profilbildmenachec vor 4 Monate bewertet
"Thanks alot it was a great experince working with you and i wish we can do more soon"
ProfilbildMoo_Station vor 4 Monate reagiert
"Phenomenal job, wonderful to work with. Very pleased!"
ProfilbildCSharp06 vor 5 Monate bewertet
"Thank you CSharp06 ^^ I was thrilled to work with you on this project and I wish to work again with you soon Thanks! "
ProfilbildMoo_Station vor 5 Monate reagiert