
Vintage Retro style Psychedelic Book Cover
Soul/Rock Old School CD Cover
Neon Colors Techno T-shirt Design
Single CD Cover Design
Dark Rock style CD Cover Design
Dark Horror Thriller Movie Poster
Retro Cinderella 80s Musical Poster Design
Spiritual Poems Paperback Book Design
Science Fiction Fantasy Novel Book cover Design
Sci-Fi Fantasy Cover Book
Novel Book Cover Design
Young Adult Romance Novel Book Cover

Über uns

Spanish illustrator and designer living and working in Czech Republic. I would love to help you in your project! Don't hesitate to contact me!
For more information you can check:

Active Year: 2018

Mitglied seit: 4. Juni 2014


"Gloria is amazing, always a great product!"
Unbekannter Kunde vor 5 Tage bewertet
"Spectacular! Gloria is so efficient, listens to feedback and makes the magic happen. If I could give her 6 stars, I would. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor 13 Tage bewertet
"Great designer and knows exactly how to capture the description! "
ProfilbildstephendyneV vor 21 Tage bewertet
"Great artist and great communicator."
ProfilbildiamwesmilleI vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Gloria designed a unique and creative cover for my psychedelic therapy book. The final result was beyond my imagination. Wow! She is flexible, easygoing, and always responsive. Overall, Gloria is a five-star creative designer."
Profilbildaaquintana8700 vor etwa ein Monat bewertet