
A brand build around the last 1957 porsche
New Brewery Logo
Vintage logo for automotive repair and grain farming
Logo for Brewing Company
Island vibe logo for a golf cart sales and rental business
Boat logo
Logo for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktail bar.
Classic Logo For Jaguar Restauration Garage
Aftermarket diesel truck builds
Logo for investment company targeting oil & gas and real estate investments.
Vintage logo for a family farm produce
Retro logo for Miami car lease co.

Über uns

Feel free to contact me!
Nice chat or advice is always free!

Mitglied seit: 7. Mai 2014


"Attentive, thoughtful and great to work with. I love the designs, the colors and the back and forth with the designer. Great work!"
ProfilbildLisa Spinelli vor 2 Tage bewertet
"understood the design concept from the outset, and delivered flawlessly in round 1."
Profilbildthelast57.infZ vor 9 Tage bewertet
"Thank you very much! "
ProfilbildAlarArtStudio™ vor 9 Tage reagiert
"Awesome to work with!"
Profilbildmrichards578S vor 19 Tage bewertet
"Just the silhouette of the little boy and the humor added to the logo without even asking. I like the subtleness of the duck standing next to the boy both looking to the sky while he's "hunting". Good work!"
ProfilbildsdanoJ vor 29 Tage bewertet
"Thank you for great review! At your disposal for any further project! All the best with great logos for this contest! Peter" (bearbeitet)
ProfilbildAlarArtStudio™ vor 28 Tage reagiert
"Amazing responsiveness and very quick and efficient with changes and adjustments. Clear leader in the design competition, as all other designers started to copy and follow suit."
Profilbildkwhardagy vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Thank you for this great review, I really appreciate it! At your full disposal any time! Peter / AAS™"
ProfilbildAlarArtStudio™ vor etwa ein Monat reagiert