
Blut TV
Project Renegade
Copper Waters
Dark Masks
The Cognomina Codex
Out of Bounds
Choice Falling
By Forces Unseen book cover
Bookcover design
Book Cover Design
Book Cover design

Über uns

I am a London, UK based digital artist, designer and photographer working under the name Mindbomb Design.

I create artwork for a wide range of clients, from publishing houses to record labels.

Land: Vereinigtes Königreich. Mitglied seit: 4. Mai 2016




"Mindbomb Design created a nonfiction book cover that far exceeded my expectations. The designer, Rhett, followed my design instructions to a tee and was extremely responsive with small changes along the way. Very professional!"
ProfilbildgordonkingmO vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Rhett is so easy and pleasant to work with! This is my second time using his services and he is a rockstar. Created exactly what I was looking for and was open/receptive to all my changes. I cannot recommend him enough!"
Profilbildsamanthaswrites vor 3 Monate bewertet
"The design was perfect from the beginning, only had a color change and that was enough, i'm very pleased to had worked with Mindbomb Design."
Profilbildabeinnez vor 5 Monate bewertet
"I absolutely love the design that was created by Mindbomb. Communications was good and design is better as expected. Next time I definitely invite Mindbomb to take part in my contest."
Unbekannter Kunde vor 10 Monate bewertet
"Thank you! It was a great project to work on."
ProfilbildMindbomb Design vor 10 Monate reagiert
"I had six finalists and over 100 designs from which to choose, and Mindbomb Design did the best job of listening and helping me come up with what I think is the perfect cover. Even with a great time difference, we were able to regularly communicate. H..."
ProfilbildscudderkQ vor 11 Monate bewertet