
Nutrition Ninja
On The Dot
The Circle of Profit
Think & Trade Like A Champion
The 80/20 Investor
Masters of Doom
Modern Fitness
Nerd Know How
Mastermind Dinners
Change You Life with ZirTeeth

Über uns

Studied Fine Arts major in Advertising Arts. Worked with several local Advertising establishments. Former Design Supervisor of Author Solutions Inc.

Mitglied seit: 17. März 2012


"Great work and extremely responsive. Highly recommended. "
Profilbildnickhodges vor 11 Monate bewertet
"I was surprised by Sherwin's lack of communication and responsiveness. I was delighted with the design! However, I had to fix some things in Photoshop to get it to work on Amazon. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor 12 Monate bewertet
"Sherwin intuitively grasped the understanding of what we needed and created it. We appreciate him. "
ProfilbildutahdeP vor etwa ein Jahr bewertet
"Great work, was receptive to feedback and communication! "
ProfilbildJessie_R vor etwa ein Jahr bewertet
"The designer Sherwin was very communicative, kind, and understanding. I will do business again."
Profilbildgraceknightley vor etwa ein Jahr bewertet