Dieser Wettbewerb ist beendet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch den Gewinner-Designern HEB Concepts
, 9 Green Studio
Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name der Organisation
Gamification Co
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
Gamification is the use of game, behavioral economics (psychology) and loyalty concepts to change people's behavior and engage them. Products like Nike+ or Fitbit, McDonald's Monopoly Game, Foursquare are good examples of this concept at work. I am the leading expert on this topic, and publish the website at gamification.co and run a conference on it.
Inhaltliche Details
This cover is for Gamification by Design 2, an update to my sold-out book which was originally published by OReilly. This book is the definitive how-to Design Bible for gamification, and it takes people through everything they ought to know to design gamification. It's theory + design specifics.
Weitere Anmerkungen
The original book was published by OReilly and their covers all follow a standard (animal sketch). I DON'T want to do anything that looks like that at all.
Remember this is a specialized audience. They are NOT making games, but rather using games for HR or Marketing Purposes. The book will probably not be sold at retail, but will be on people's REFERENCE shelves, so both the front and the spine need to be legible and have a professional feeling.
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