Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name der Organisation
Between B.V.
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
Between is a staffing agency which supplies large and medium sized companies and organizations with temporary staff. Currently we are mostly specialized in the resourcing of IT professionals and business or management consultants for enterprise clients.
Between's mission and vision are to be the central point of access to opportunities at appealing companies and to provide clients with the full spectrum of knowledge and abilities that her suppliers provide in a open and controllable manner.
In addition to her pro-active search for matching candidates, Between lists all requests in her marketplace. These requests are then accessible to all suppliers, freelancers and self-employed professionals.
Wirtschaft & Beratung
Bestehende Website
Wie soll Ihr Design aussehen?
We are looking for a modern responsive website with a one page design.
A modern and professional design matching Between's professional colour scheme (blue/black).
Inspirationen für Websites
Opinion 1: It is very visual with a good mix of videos, pictures and text. It creates a good and easeful image.
Opinion 2: Especially because of the attractive homepage and use of large and moving images.
Opinion 1: It also creates a good image of the Internet Agency LabelA. The website uses transparent menus which could fit in the exposure of the transparency of Between.
Opinion 2: The design is modern and reveals some personality. Between is also looking to show its personality and atmosphere (based on the work and the people involved) . Additionally the website refers to social media in a striking manner.
Inhaltliche Details
Beschreibung der Seitentypen
Landingpage and Sample Data entry page like shown as attachement.
The landingpage should give an image of Between and be attractive for visitors. The lay-out of the data-entry page should be in line with the lay-out of the landingpage but should have less chrome as it will contain more dynamic data and will be part of an application.
Was vermieden werden soll
Weitere Anmerkungen
Between unburdens its customers. - Resourcing of temporary staff. a. Search: we seek a matching candidate. b. Contracting: we assume responsibility for contract and hours administration, risk management and billing. c. Payroll: We place temporary staff on our payroll so the customer does not have to. - We provide advice regarding temporary hiring of staff or advisers. - Unburdening our customers by providing search, contracting, billing, paying and risk management of hiring temporary staff. - Providing access to opportunities and companies. - We aid in the search for and acquisition of customers. - Providing the best candidate available to fill a temporary position at one of our customers.
At between we do everything in a transparent, independent, personal and accessible way.
Transparent translates to the following guiding principles: 1. Provide insight into how our processes and supply chain work. 2. Be open about our margins. 3. Provide customers and candidates with insight into billing, contracts, etc. (BeSmart). 4. We do what we say we will.
Wettbewerb Deliverables
2 x Webseiten Design(s)
Finale Dateien
Sie müssen entweder eine PNG- oder eine JPG-Datei zur Verfügung stellen. Bitte besprechen Sie etwaige Wünsche direkt mit Ihren Kund:innen.
Wenn Sie Schriften verwenden, die eine Lizenz erfordern, klären Sie zunächst mit dem Kunden, ob er damit einverstanden ist. Aus Lizenzgründen ist es besser, Ihrem Kunden die Informationen zur Schrift mitzuteilen und wie man diese kaufen kann, ohne aber die eigentlichen Dateien zur Verfügung zu stellen.