Bild der Dienstleistung

Professional, High Quality Logo Design

3 Tage


Concepts are the first step in the design process. We’ll take your creative brief and come up with concepts, or an initial direction for your logo.
Once your concepts are ready, we’ll ask you to give us feedback so we can continue to refine the design.

Note: Text in logo are converted to outlines.
For font, kindly confirms if your OK to use fonts that require a license. This is not included in the project cost. There is also an option to use fonts that are free for commercial use. For licensing reasons, I can only provide information on how to acquire the font.

Was Sie erhalten

We want you to be able to actually use your designs, so we’ll give you your design files in everything you need, including…

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)

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