Bild der Dienstleistung

Creative Memorable Logo Design

7 Tage


Why does it have to be done by me?
• Top Level designer on 99designs
• 12+ years of experience in Logo&Identity Design
• I am responsible for the quality and uniqueness of designs

I like to work with local business.
I like to experiment with letters, typography, textures and hand-drawn elements.
You will get UNIQUE and CREATIVE sign that will help your business to grow!
I can describe my style as: organic, urban, rough, grunge, eco-friendly, artisanal, earthy, hip.

Was Sie erhalten

• 3 initial draft sketches.
• 3 revisions of choosen final concept.
• Color guides(CMYK for printing and RGB for the web).
If you need a special file type feel free to ask and I will provide it for you.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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