Bild der Dienstleistung

E-book Design

Profilbild von machus4u
5 Tage

Bücher, Zeitschriften und mehr-Dienstleistung

Share your idea through a clear brief. Attach brief with fixed draft, company info, logo (vector preferred), brand colors, item size, and high resolution images.

Provide sample concept if necessary, or can even select your preferred design from my portfolio.

Was Sie erhalten

File created with Adobe CC; Easy to edit document with all style sheets and theme.
If you need a source file (Indesign/word), just let me know and I'll provide it without charging you for it.

Text file (DOCX)
InDesign file (INDD)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)

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Andere Dienstleistungen von machus4u
