Bild der Dienstleistung

Landing page design, social media and promo

Profilbild von 7plus7
7 Tage


1) I create a landing page design. 4 days
2) Discussion and approve an option. 2-3 days
3) In case if I didn't guess the design, I collect information and keep going with other directions. As quality your feedback is, as fast I find the right design for you.

For changes I have a certain flow: a customer have 5 rounds with an unlimited number of edits. To illustrate, after the designer provides a design, the client collects all possible edits, and later confirms the designer can work on them. As soon as the designer takes over the edits, the first round is considered complete. The same goes for all subsequent rounds. After a project completion a customer still can request changes, if they don't spend their rounds. There is a month after project completion to provide requests.
Refunds are not allowed

Was Sie erhalten

Sketch, Figma, XD

Vector file (SKETCH)

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