Bild der Dienstleistung

Logo design, brand identity,

5 Tage

Logo & Corporate-Identity-Paket-Dienstleistung

I create Logo designs based on informative business marketing, design and trends related to your business attributes.

Design process

1. Provide all information about your project using a logo design brief that will be provided to you. Include all information, images, and anything that you feel will help with you project.

2. Marketing and research is a keep aspect of logo design creation based on information you provide about your business goals and brand recognition.
whilst the information you provide is important I make every effort to create valuable options to be considered for the best design and marketing decision.

3. Develop from an initial idea to a full design concept including business mockups to provided a detailed visual illustration of your logo and brand identity.

4. Revise all options provided to you for any further development or complete your logo design choice.

Remember that when choosing a logo design you may have a personal choice but it is also a business decision. It is important to understand that you are trying fit a new or existing brand in to your market and recognition is key.

Was Sie erhalten

Complete with your Logo design I will include a free basic business card design with your desirable information and basic stationary including, Letter head, complement slip, appointment card or badge.

A brief will be provided to you to complete and include all details for your project.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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