
The 5 Levels of Consicience Book COver
Knead For Gluten [Tri-Fold Infographic Flyer]
Knead For Gluten [Tri-Fold Infographic Flyer]
What?! Sugar Eating Fungus? [Tri-Fold Infographic Flyer]
What?! Sugar Eating Fungus? [Tri-Fold Infographic Flyer]
COAST Volleyball T-Shirt Design
Kid's Play Rug Map [Print]
Zero-Waste [Infographic]
Drinking Straw [Infographic]
Paleo Diet [Infographic]
Fairfax Cryobank 2018 Calendar
Burglar Caught

Über uns

Spicing up a mundane world through art is my passion. As an experienced illustrator, I specialize in character design , fun infographics and captivating illustrations. Check out my portfolio and feel free to send me a 1-to-1 invite. Let's inject life into this dull reality together!

Mitglied seit: 16. Dezember 2011


"One of the best designers I've ever worked with! You would be crazy not to hire!"
Profilbildluis.delafuente89 vor 4 Monate bewertet
"Nice work, Nice work, Nice work, Nice work"
ProfilbildJam Yusores vor 7 Monate bewertet
"A creative and very talented designer. Was a pleasure to work with."
Unbekannter Kunde vor 11 Monate bewertet
"Perfect! Highly recomend."
Unbekannter Kunde vor etwa ein Jahr bewertet
"Great work! Unique and creative!"
Unbekannter Kunde vor mehr als ein Jahr bewertet
"Had fun illustrating these. Thanks a lot for the opportunity. :)"
Profilbildonivelsper vor mehr als ein Jahr reagiert