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Soul Growers Montepulciano
Beschreibung des Produkts
Soul Growers Montepulciano is new grape variety (Montepulciano) that we have made and vast departure from our traditional grape varieties of Shiraz, Cabernet, Chardonnay etc. Because of this we want a label that represents a more modern, funky, almost hipster label which different to our current range.
Beschreibung der Produktzielgruppe
The interest in these wines will be the sommelier/bartenders at the pop up, underground bars and outdoor restaurants and the consumer of 20-40 year older interested in non traditional Australian wine. They are looking for something interesting, something different and something the suits or parents dont drink....
Kreative Vision
We want a label that doesnt necessarily highlight "Soul Growers" on the front label but would like it there. It style should be in the genre of the examples given. One area that can be explored is using the synonyms of Montepulciano on the front label:
Cordicso, Cordiscio, Cordisco, Cordisio, Monte Pulciano, Montepulciano Cordesco, Montepulciano di Torre de Passeri, Montepulciano Primatico, Morellone, Premutico, Primaticcio, Primutico, Sangiovese Cardisco, Sangiovese Cordisco, Sangiovetto, Torre dei Passeri, Uva Abruzzese and Uva Abruzzi
This is not the only version we would like to explore.
Another version possibility links back to the Soul and Soul Growers. Soul Grower name comes from the soul of the barossa is its wine growers. We are growers and we are winemakers. The use of Soul also has many other connotations such as inspiration, feeling, emotion, passion, animation, intensity, fervour, ardour, enthusiasm, eagerness, warmth, energy, vitality, vivacity, spirit, commitment.
The window to the Soul is often referred to the eyes "The eyes are the window to the Soul" There maybe something to link there.
Some examples are attached of the general style.
Was vermieden werden soll
Too simple and minimalistic or too traditional.
Max height is 10cm. Width for just a front label is max 8cm but a wrap around label and no back label is also an option. No label dimensions are set in stone.
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