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Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
No, but I have a current logo I want each designer to start from
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this is the logo on the back of a 77' sportfisher boat. The issue with the logo is the unique name, coupled with the shot glass "O" made it so many people didn't know what the boat name was. We want the logo to be more legible without losing too much character. We are open to completely different ideas for the logo, but think we'd prefer ones that start with what we have and simply tweak it. Something more abstract and modern (ie. marlin image more abstract) would be preferred.
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We need potentially two versions of the logo. The logo used for t-shirts, hats and other swag can be, and kind of needs to be, different than the one painted on the back of the boat. I am including images of the current t-shirt logo as well as the image on the back of our old boat, with the same name. This logo is for the image on the back of our new boat and new swag for the new boat. the last attachment is the current boat transom logo and the other three attachments are the t-shirt/swag logo. Please do you best to both make the word "Shotski" more legible (it is really just the shot glass "O" that is the problem) while also keeping the logo "tough" (ie. masculine) and possibly more abstract. if you don't know what a shotski is, google it. It is a ski with shot glasses lined up on it.
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1 x Logo
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