Dieser Wettbewerb ist beendet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch dem Gewinner-Designer Anta Design
Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
Slogan, der in das Logo integriert werden soll
nicht näher bezeichnet
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
The logo is not meant for a company, but for a personal sports outfit. The sport is Cresta Riding (http://www.cresta-run.com). Attached is a video showing the sport (https://vimeo.com/434851444). The Logo will go on my riding suit and my helmet (and further places if needed).
I would like a logo that shows a head (from the front) made of a mixture of the heads of an ibex (as a symbol of Switzerland & mountains) and a springbok (as a symbol of South Africa) since I'm a citizen of both. Furthermore, the face should have one eye closed and the tongue sticking out (to show the craziness and daring of Cresta riders). Furthermore, the flags or colours of the flags of the two countries should be incorporated into the logo. And finally, the Cresta Rider symbol should also be depicted (attached).
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Jeglicher Text in einem Logo sollte als Outline konvertiert werden.