Dieser Wettbewerb ist beendet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch dem Gewinner-Designer JB.d
Informationen über Ihr Unternehmen
Name der Organisation
My First Million
Internet & Medien
Beschreibung der Organisation und Ihrer Zielgruppe
I own a podcast called My First Million. It’s one of the top 20 podcasts in the business category.
When it gets into the top 20 new people see it on the charts. When they do, I want them to click the picture and subscribe. But our current artwork isn’t that great.
So, I want to make it more clickbaity to grab people’s attention and then get them subscribed.
What we discuss:
- Ideas: we do deep dives on different business models and explain how they work. Like how media companies make money.
- Banter: we’re known for just saying silly and funny things. Like what we've learned investing $2 million into startups.
- Biographies: we do biographies on interesting business people. Like how Andrew Carnegie made $100b with oil.
The people who listen to us are NOT get rich quick people - even though that's what our title seems like.
They're startup people. They went to high end colleges and live in NYC, San Francisco and work in finance and technology.
Inhaltliche Details
I want to make it more clickbaity podcast art to grab people’s attention and then get them subscribed.
- Because it’s a personality driven show, our faces should be part of the artwork, but it doesn’t need to be prominent (but faces DO get clicks) (headshots above)
- We make great video clips from the podcast. Use the clips as inspiration. Particularly, this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/COJnNNIL2TA/ and this one: How to network: https://www.instagram.com/p/COG1ugbN-nA/
vor 4 Jahren
418,43 KB
This is a still from a video clip we made from our podcast. I love it. The aesthetic if great.
vor 4 Jahren
670,46 KB
Another popular podcast in our category. I like it.
vor 4 Jahren
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Our current pic. I hate.
vor 4 Jahren
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Other popular podcasts in our category. I like it.
Wenn Sie Schriften verwenden, die eine Lizenz erfordern, klären Sie zunächst mit dem Kunden, ob er damit einverstanden ist. Aus Lizenzgründen ist es besser dem Kunden die Informationen zur Schriftart mitzuteilen und wie man diese kaufen kann, ohne dabei die eigentlichen Dateien zur Verfügung zu stellen.
This is a still from a video clip we made from our podcast. I love it. The aesthetic if great.