Two women, thirty years apart, both searching for the same thing.
Thirty three year old Jasmine dreams of one thing to complete her almost perfect life- a baby. It's all she can think about until she stumbles upon a black and white glossy photo tacked up on a diner wall amid a field of famous faces. She's drawn to the image and can't get the unknown young woman out of her mind. Who is she? How did she end up on the wall? Where is she now? This curiosity takes root and leads Jasmine on a quest to discover the truth.
Rebellious sixteen year old Audrey is forced to accompany her dad on a five week cross country sales trip during summer break to keep her out of trouble. She hates everything about the idea except one thing. In her threadworm backpack is a stack of black and white photos she plans to hang in diners wherever they go. It's her first step to achieve her dream of becoming famous.