Design "GO BAG" had to be compiled with the existing "A BETTER LIFE" logo (so the logo of the company is primary) in a single unit on a 5-inch circular area on an already chosen bag using the words in a graphic way (like a logo or patch).
I created logo-like desgin with simplified colors of company logo and so unified the design as a whole. The word "GO" is combined with the arrow which represents the right way, the clock that represents the right time and the sign of infinity.
The requester was Healthcare Advocate (someone who accompanies people on their doctor visits and helps them with the paperwork, billing, and everyday hassles). The target audience is baby boomers, between the ages of 53 and 71 years old. Known as the “sandwich generation,” they are sandwiched between still raising their own children, while simultaneously caring for the needs of their aging loved ones. They struggle to maintain a balance and to also deal with their own emerging medical needs.